Monday 17 November 2014

Famous aspies, because nothing should hold you back!

I often write about the struggles of aspergers syndrome and the challenges I am faced by loving someone who is on the spectrum. I write honestly about the difficulty she has had to find a job, the challenge of communicating with her and the occasional misinterpretation of a situation.

But today, I want to focus on something else. I want to focus on those who have, in some cases, used their special interests to become a success. So here it is, my list of Celebrities and other pretty successful people who are known to be on the spectrum.

If you want to take anything away from this post. Think for a second, all of the people listed have had problems with communication, social situations and the challenges that aspergers places upon them. But all of them have made something of themselves, aspergers didn't stop them. And mainly, for the benefit of my other half, dream big and you never know what you could become.

With the help of google, I have a list of those known to have aspergers and those rumoured to have aspergers because they show / have shown a number of aspie traits.

Susan Boyle - Singer and runner up of Britian's Got Talent 2009. Susan has a number of albums and has travelled the world singing. I remember the first time I saw her on TV, yes she looked strange and yes everyone expected her to be booed off the stage. But her voice blew everyone away, guess it's true, you can't always judge a book by the cover.

Heather Kuzmich was known for her appearance is America's Next Top Model, or ANTM as us super fans call it. From her first appearance on the show she made it known that she had aspergers. Her beauty took the judges by storm and her ability to contort herself into all sorts of poses was pretty impressive. The show highlighted her struggles to communicate with other housemates, often showing her alone. And although at times she struggled with the ruthless modelling world, who wouldn't, Heather really helped to show that you can do anything you can put your mind to.

Dan Aykroyd, comedian, singer and actor, is most famous for his roles in the Blues Brothers and Ghost Busters. Speaking of his aspergers he famously said "One of my symptoms includes my obsession with ghosts and law enforcement." Out of his obsession an icon film that led children everywhere to stick the hoover over their shoulder and to try to suck up their evil ghost of a brother, or maybe that's just me.

Satoshi Taijri creator and designer of pokemon. Satoshi was known as Dr. Bug at school for his interest and obsession with bugs, at one point he wanted a career in studying insects. Instead, and luckily enough for most 90's kids and even kids today. Satoshi turned his interest to gaming and thus pokemon were born. What more can I say, but if the creator of Pikachu and his friends is an aspie, then maybe that's something you can shout about. When people put you down just think, without pokemon so many childhoods would not be the same.

There are a list of stars thought to have aspergers because they show typical as pie traits, these include:

Bill Gates,  Tim Burton, Andy Warhol, Robin Williams and Albert Einstein

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