Monday 7 April 2014

Aspie or Aspergers

One thing I have noticed recently is the use of Aspie or Aspergers. Looking at a lot of blogs written by those with aspergers like 'Dude, I'm an Aspie'  I have noticed them using aspie. But I've only seen this used by people who have aspergers when referring to themselves.

As a non-aspergers person is it right to be referring to my other half as an aspie. Or is it one of those things you can't really say unless you have it.

Like in rugby, I only use the rugby slang 'uglies' for the forwards because I am one myself, or I only use the terms 'computer geek' or 'design nerd' because I am a self confessed geek that works on computers all day designing things.

I would like to ask anyone who reads this to share their thoughts? Is it rude to use Aspie unless you have Aspergers or has the state of political correctness and fear of being rude made me over think and create an issue that wasn't there?

If there are any other terms you use, what are they?


  1. Your more than welcome to use the term Aspie it's common amongst those with Asperger's Syndrome. There are endless labels, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) High Functioning Autism (HFA).

  2. Thanks Paul! I was worried about accidentally being offensive and just wanted another opinion on the topic!
