Tuesday 25 November 2014

'I wish I wasn't aspergers,' she said. 'I don't,' I said.

I've had a pretty hectic weekend, with a trip to the zoo, a family wedding, a car breakdown, and a game of rugby in the space of 3 days. But one thing over the weekend has stuck in my head more than anything. After a meltdown on the rugby pitch where my other half took herself off in the middle of the first half we got into the car and she told me 'I wish I wasn't Aspergers sometimes.'

Immediately I took up the other side of the argument, 'if you didn't have Aspergers you wouldn't be you, and I love you' approach. But the more I have thought about it, the more I have come to two totally different conclusions. 

Thursday 20 November 2014


It may be a few months old, but I've just read that Lego-therapy is being used in London to help children with autism and other learning difficulties. 
BBC news have created a video showing how staff at Guy's and St Thomas' hospital have been using lego as therapy. The BBC reported that lego bricks have been used in therapy sessions to help with children who have communication difficulties, and how it helps to develop speech and listening skills. 
They state that research shows that children with autism are naturally drawn to lego. It's great to hear that therapists are using different techniques to help those with autism and how simple things, like lego, can make such a difference to these children. 
To watch the video click here.

Monday 17 November 2014

Famous aspies, because nothing should hold you back!

I often write about the struggles of aspergers syndrome and the challenges I am faced by loving someone who is on the spectrum. I write honestly about the difficulty she has had to find a job, the challenge of communicating with her and the occasional misinterpretation of a situation.

But today, I want to focus on something else. I want to focus on those who have, in some cases, used their special interests to become a success. So here it is, my list of Celebrities and other pretty successful people who are known to be on the spectrum.

If you want to take anything away from this post. Think for a second, all of the people listed have had problems with communication, social situations and the challenges that aspergers places upon them. But all of them have made something of themselves, aspergers didn't stop them. And mainly, for the benefit of my other half, dream big and you never know what you could become.

Saturday 15 November 2014

From small Acorns great Oak trees grow!

Because it's Saturday, November chill is in the air, it's cold and horrible and this painting always makes me smile. Special interests and talents are there to be nurtured, to grow into bigger and more beautiful pieces.