Wednesday 30 July 2014

How Aspergers Affects Relationships

From my experience, and from what I've read, there are some main features that have an impact on relationships with an aspie. Through this blog I've been trying to address these and give a fresh viewpoint on them. I've read so many blogs by those with aspergers talking about how they are affected by it and how relationships affect them. But I want to give the opposite viewpoint, there are plenty of sources out there that focus on how the aspie feels, but what about how the non-aspie feels in relationships. Is it just as hard, is it easier? 

I don't have a simple answer for those questions. As with life, nothing is ever simple and life is a tangled mess of one complication after another. But I do hope this blog helps to explain at least some of it.  

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Catch up

Loving Aspergers you has always been a blog about relationships and what it is like to be with someone who has autism. Every day is different and it's hard not to be over personal or say things that can be seen as harsh when it comes to my relationship, Of course, I love my other half to bits, but like any relationship out there we have our ups and downs, the things we love about each other and the things we sometimes wish did not happen. But we love each other to bits and at the end of the day that is really what matters.

I feel like I write the same things over and over again, so I haven't written in a while. Not because I don't have anything to say. But, because I wanted to be selfish, focus on us and neglect the blog a little. So I'm sorry. I'm back and I want to hear what you reading this have to say.