Thursday 11 September 2014

Just one of those days.

Every so often, you wake up in a bad or odd mood and thats it. You feel like the entire day is a write off, it's just one of those things. People tell you that you've 'woken up on the wrong side of the bed'.

When I was a child I used to get back into the bed and then get back out of it a different way to see if that solved it. Obviously it didn't. But it was always worth a try.

These days are bad enough for those of us who don't have aspergers, but for my other half they are like hell. We recently had one of these days. She woke up and within a few minuets it was clear to see her usual morning smile wasn't there. We decided to work with it, to go and do something out doors but quiet. We went for a picnic and it was good, there were a few wobbles, a couple of times where panic and tears nearly set in. But after taking a moment, a deep breath and a reassuring squeeze of the hand. We made our way through it.

Because no matter what they say. Tomorrow is another day and sometimes it's just easier to wait until then.

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