Wednesday 11 June 2014

Grown ups can be bullies too!

So recently I got a phone call from my other half after work. I picked up to hear her sobbing on the other end of the line. It's all sorted now, but still its something I want to talk about.

As anyone would do, I went straight to meet her and sat in her car talking to her before we went home. Although, it was hard to get any information out. Like other aspies, when she's upset she refuses to talk. I finally got out of her that someone had been continuously rude to her over a couple of months and it had finally escalated and caused this tearful outburst.

It all started a few months ago when the person in question kept staring at my other half throughout one day. She told me that when she asked why he replied 'becuase it's fun'. What was fun? Making her feel uncomfortable? This person then went on to do similar things making my other half feel belittled until last week when he called her a 'retard'.

Anyone, with or without disability, can say that being called any kind of name no matter how old you are hurts. But being called the same word that the bullies at school spent years calling you is something more. It took a couple of days for my other half to finally tell me she reacted because he called her a 'retard' and it's taken her even longer to convince herself to try to ignore him and move on from the situation.

Bulling isn't just that thing that happened in the school playground when you were a teen. And it's not right to ever make another person feel less becuase of their disabilities. Everyone is  different and nobody is perfect. I hope that someone at least reads this and stops something like this from happening again, even if it's just once. Because well... if your a grown up... act like one.

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